Associate General Manager-Fully Built Solutions

Company: Daimler India Commercial Vehicles
Apply for the Associate General Manager-Fully Built Solutions
Location: Kochi
Job Description:

Key points and objectives of the position

  • Lead Fully Built Solutions business team involving stake holders from different line functions including Quality Management, Out-bound Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Facility Management and Production Planning & Scheduling.
  • Colloborate with multiple Place of Business (POB’s) across India and ensure smooth functioning of operations involving supplier stake holders towards the QCOK & dispatch of FBVs form POB
  • Institutionalize to convert monthly sales requirements to designed production plan and responsible for plan vs actual from chassis to fully built solutions.
  • Align the production plan with POB/ Integration & ensure load body readiness in advance.
  • Channelize and lead the QM, OBL & FM manpower at POBs towards achieving throughput.
  • Define processes and procedures to ensure and monitor the production efficiency.
  • Oversee the Fully Built Solutions portal & ensure all the portal updates are done as per sequential flow in FBS process
  • Report monthly update to top management on the overall status of Plan Vs Actual
  • Responsible for setting up the series from dispatch of Chassis from plant with proper documentation including delivery challan
  • Oversee and be compliant in drawings storage documentation & maintaining KPI towards drawing storage
  • Oversee and be compliant to documentation of all gate entry, exit & transit operations for Chassis & FBVs in plant & POBs as per audit requirements
  • Accountable for business continuity by ensuring that the process defined can continue operating efficiently
  • Ensure MBOM variant codes release & documentation as per defined variant requirements from M&S
  • Colloborate and plan for creation of new load body part numbers in D2S & oversee neccessary documentation.
  • Ideate and implement efficient measures to track,monitor and bring down functional and operational cost in FBS process.

Posted: August 7th, 2024